June 10 marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the Apple II computer. The tech giant’s first offering, the Apple I, was sold in DIY kit form, but the Apple II, released in 1977, was designed to be used by the everyday consumer -- with features such as color graphics, sound and even a built-in video game -- right out of the box. The modern era of personal computers and the fortunes of the tech giant’s flagship product are inextricably tied together. The Apple II was discontinued in 1990, but it was a bestseller for more than a decade. By 1984, more than 2 million of the computers had been sold. In his introduction of the Apple II in BYTE Magazine in 1977, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak shared his vision of the future: “To me, a personal computer should be small, reliable, convenient to use and inexpensive.” That vision seems to have paid off. In celebration of the Apple II’s 40th birthday, here is a look at some unexpected ...